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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wishful Wednesday 47

Untuk Wishful Wednesday ini, gak jauh-jauh dari buku yang baru aja selesai gue baca � Baker Street Boys series. Setelah membaca satu buku, ternyata koq gue suka ya? Jadilah gue pengen mengumpulkan buku-buku lain dalam seri ini.

Berhubungan dengan Sherlock Holmes, bikin pengen tahu cerita-cerita lain seputar detektif terkenal itu dari pandangan penulis lain, dari berbagai sisi yang berbeda, dengan tokoh utama orang-orang yang terkait dengan beliau. Mungkin ada novel khusus tentang Dr. Watson?

Nah, ini beberapa sinopsis untuk Baker Street Boys:

The Case of the Disappearing Detective

It is 1897, Queen Victoria�s diamond jubilee year, and the Baker Street Boys are helping Sherlock Holmes to solve a case involving a mysterious American when Holmes himself disappears. Only the Boys realize that he hasn�t gone undercover but has actually been kidnapped by a Fenian gang from Boston who are planning to assassinate the Queen



The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Captive Clairvoyant

Holmes and Watson are out of town and it's up to the Boys to rescue Mary from the clutches of her evil stepfather, Marvin the Mystic. But Marvin is in cahoots with the dastardly Moriarty! Together they scheme to rob rich people's houses while Marvin performs seances. The Boys know Mary will never be safe with Marvin on the loose, so Rosie, the little flower girl, replaces Mary on stage in an attempt to reveal Marvin's scam. But everything goes horribly wrong � Marvin is murdered and Rosie kidnapped! In a race against time, the Boys dash across London and, with some help from Mary's real father, uncover the murderers and rescue their friend.


The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Limehouse Laundry

London's docklands: home to a large Chinese community and rife with smuggling � and not only of goods. Into the fray burst Sherlock Holmes's Irregulars, who find themselves swinging into action (at no little risk to themselves) to stop a thriving racket shanghaiing children into slavery. And never is the cause more desperate than when one of those children is their very own Rosie.



The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Stolen Sparklers

When Lady Mountjoy�s diamond tiara goes missing, Polly, one of the maids, is accused of the theft. But Polly didn�t do it. Discovered by the Baker Street Boys, out of a job and with nowhere to go, Polly begs them to help her � and so they find themselves with another mystery to solve. Wiggins hits upon a plan: why doesn�t Queenie apply for the newly vacated job, infiltrate the house and see what she can find out? It seems there are certainly things to be discovered: (1) Lady Mountjoy is broke and in desperate need of money, (2) she has a wastrel brother living with her as a hanger-on, (3) both of them know Professor Moriarty�

The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Haunted Horrors

When Sarge sees a ghost in one of the exhibits during his night watch at the Baker Street Bazaar waxworks exhibition, everyone tell him he must have imagined it. But the ex-army officer is adamant, and when his job is put on the line as a result, Wiggins and Beaver decide to spend the night there themselves to find out once and for all what it was that he saw. When they do, they realize that all is not as it seems. Suddenly the Baker Street Boys are catapulted into a mystery involving a Russian spy ring, a case of mistaken identity � and murder.


The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Racehorse Ringer

There�s been a murder at the racing stables and Gertie�s father, Patrick, stands accused. The punishment is death by hanging, and Gertie is beside herself. She knows her father didn�t do it, but with Sherlock Holmes away, how can she prove his innocence? Wiggins suspects an inside job and sends Sparrow in to do some digging around. Undercover as the new stable lad, Sparrow finds himself mixing with some decidedly shady characters � and then he stumbles upon an audacious betting scam that puts a valuable racehorse in danger. Now there are two lives for the Baker Street Boys to save, and time is not on their side. The race is on!

Mau berkhayal juga, mari ikutan Wishful Wednesday dulu, liat rules-nya dulu ya:
  1. Silakan follow blog Books To Share � atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  2. Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  3. Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  4. Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

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