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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wishful Wednesday 59

Baca novel yang ada sequel-nya itu bisa ada dua kemungkinan, kalo ceritanya gak menarik dan tokoh-tokohnya gak membuat gue �terkesima�, gue akan males untuk cari tahu lanjutan ceritanya � seperti kasus The Thief � Megan Whalen Turner (gue sebel banget sama tokohnya). Tapi lain lagi kasusnya kalo cerita pertamanya aja udah menarik, ending-nya bener-bener bikin penasaran, seperti seri Delirium. Gue baru baca sampai buku kedua � Pandemonium, dan, sejujurnya, gak sabar untuk segera baca buku ketiganya, Requiem. Tapi� hmmm.. mengingat timbunan di rumah (dan di kantor) yang masih banyak yang belum di baca, jadi mari deh, masukin dulu ke dalam Wishful Wednesday, semoga aja cepat kesampaian untuk baca buku ini.

Inilah sinopsisnya:

They have tried to squeezeus out, to stamp us into the past.

But we are still here.

And there are more of us every day.

Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.

After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven�pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fianc�e of the young mayor.

Maybe we are driven crazy by our feelings.

Maybe love is a disease, and we would be better off without it.

But we have chosen a different road.

And in the end, that is the point of escaping the cure: We are freeto choose.

We are even free to choose the wrong thing.

Requiem is told from both Lena�s and Hana�s points of view. The two girls live side by side in a world that divides them until, at last, their stories converge.
Silahkan lihat rules di bawah ini untuk ikutan Wishful Wednesday ya:
  1. Silakan follow blog Books To Share � atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  2. Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  3. Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  4. Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

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